5th International Students' Conference on Cardiology
data: 21.05.2010 - 22.05.2010
miejsce: Zabrze,
organizator: Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze
We would like to invite you to the 5th International Students' Conference on Cardiology which takes place in Zabrze, Poland, on 21st and 22nd May 2010. The students' meeting accompanies 17th International Conference on Cardiology and X Workshop of Invasive Cardiology.
The meeting is organised by the Students' Cardiologic Association at the 3rd Chair and Clinical Department of Cardiology at the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze.

Siedziba organizatora: Zabrze, Szpitalna 2

Magdalena Guz
Katarzyna Birkner katarzynabirkner@gmail.com +48604275043
Daria Dziechcińska d.dziechcinska@gmail.com +48504330233

Email: 5thISCC@gmail.com, konferencja.studencka@gmail.com